You have acquired your concrete estimates and now you have more questions than answers. You have probably noticed that the prices vary significantly and the details in the small print confuse more than clarify. Here is one area you can start with to help in your decision making process.

Pounds per sq inch (PSI) measures the compressive strength of your concrete. The higher the number the stronger the concrete. 2500 psi – 3000 psi concrete is common in Tucson while 4000-5000 is standard in most other regions, with a frost line, in the country. Most bids you receive in Arizona will include 2500-3000 psi concrete. Some Contractors offer a higher psi concrete. You will pay more for a higher psi mix but that isn’t the only factor that will increase the price. A higher psi concrete sets faster because of the amount of cement. Your Contractor will often have to bring in an extra finisher or multiple finishers to keep up with the set.

Your Contractor may offer a longer warranty with a higher psi mix. Concrete is considered a 30 year product though it is rare to see more than a 2 year warranty. A higher psi concrete paired with fiber and/or steel reinforcing will last a lifetime if properly installed. You may want to consider the long term benefits of the higher initial price. Getting 30 years out of anything these days is pretty cool.